Sunday, August 7, 2011

Thinking about Change?

So I was laying here in bed tonight and a lot of things are on my mind about this word change. Change? It's not always good, but is rarely ever bad. My best friend since we were in 7th grade is gettin married in November. Man, I can remember when boys had cooties and riding bikes were so much fun. We have had our fair share of fights, but we always come out still best friends. My other friend is fixing to have a baby in a couple months. Man, I still remember our sleepovers. All three of us were together almost every weekend. I have been thru a lot in life and I know everyone says that, but my life changed when I moved here four yrs ago. I started my Junior year here in a huge school and was sacred to death. I mean this school was as big as my hometown. I learned to love it. Then I graduated and started in the real world. It meant a few heart breaks, many tears, and many new friends. Some I would keep and some who didn't deserve to be in my life. I have lived with a man I thought I loved with all my heart and he turned out to be a toad instead of my prince. I know I'm young, but some people learn things at an early age. I have met a man that I can see myself spending the rest of my life with, but for once he is the one planning for the future and I'm just along for the ride. I never once thought I would fall in love with a man in the military, but they say you fall in love with someone who reminds you of your hero. My hero happend to be my older brother who is a Marine and who fights for what he loves and believes in. I have changed so much since I moved here. I love who I have became thru the years. I have my mother to thank for the way I have turned out. She is a single mother of two and has done everythign she can for us. I understand she has had to give up so much for us, but she did it because she wanted not because she had to. That's what mothers do. Just another rant thanks guys :)

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